Hi Again

Sidharth Kumar
3 min readNov 13, 2021


I have been storing a lot of tumult from last couple of days within myself, and I do not know what to do with this, so I thought why not to write an article. I have done considerably great things in last couple of weeks, I must say. After all, medium is a nice medium where I can post any rubbish that I wish to share with you. Jokes apart , but now I feel like medium can be a great medium for expressing your thoughts as well, that too when you can get paid as well for that. So, it started with a couple of new calls from my new clientele aka students. I have been into teaching business from last 1 year constantly, and I can say that this is paying me well in terms of satisfaction.

Picture by Tengyart — unsplash

I have done a lot of things in my past, for example from working on a shift job as a superhero to save the city from unknown power-cuts to saving people from unnecessary problems in their life . But sometimes, I think whether my efforts count or not. Personally, I am very satisfied as a person with whatever I do, But there still are a lot of questions which I need to ask from you. Have you realized this in your life, when you get sidelined by people for no reason ?What if the superhero is ignored, even if people know this fact that this vary person was the reason to save my life in the face of dire situations ?How do you feel when someone wishes to only take and not to give anything in return ?This is completely fine with me, as I do not rest any expectations on people around me, but frankly speaking the dents made by such behavior is long lasting and they change a lot in you.

Believe it or not, but they are known as lessons. The truth is “the takers” do not have any limits, and neither they have been blessed with superiors of all the morals. So, now the onus is on the giver. It is very important to and for the givers to put ‘limits’ on the amount which they want to give. And even if you do not set any expectations, truth is always going to hurt you. Being righteous in this world is very difficult, and being true to yourself is even more harsh, a path selected by quite few people. You need to understand that the best opposition you would find would be from within yourself, your inner voice. Sometimes your inner voice would ask for punishment , and some time it asks for kindness.But to do what and in which time is completely on the person itself. A giver must modify his own behavior first in order to bring out the desired change in the behavior of others. And it is also important to modulate your behavior with time, for example anger is important in certain situations, but persisting anger for no reasons is not good for your own mental well being. So, to be angry and how much to be angry are two different parts of such modulations. After practice one can attain such situations in which he or she could be unaffected by his/her own behavior and emotional reactions.

So, to answer the question of why you got moved by someone’s behavior is that you were actually moved by your own behavior, your own true self. And as long as you would not confront your own true self , your true nature, confronting the world is next to impossible. So, be generous with yourself, if you wish to be with others, and be kind to you, if you see yourself being kind to others. In short the world around you is reflection of world within you. A presto, Grazie mille. and Namaste.



Sidharth Kumar

Here for a change. a sweet exchange! Here for fun, lots to learn! Knowledge is a jewel, a must return! The more you yearn , the more you learn!