Five tricks for a healthy mind

Sidharth Kumar
4 min readJun 22, 2021


If you could apply

You know that your mind and your body are your biggest assets. But, out of both, I think mind is the supreme and body is the second supreme. Why so?

This is obvious. Have you seen people with disabilities attaining feats which could be an impossible to perform by some of the healthiest and happiest people. This in itself defines the power of mind and the will power of soul. But, just like a human body, mind needs healthy nutrition and it needs to be supplied with enough vitamins and minerals to keep it healthy and in good shape. Here are five tricks through which you can make your mind a power-house.

Stay Creative

Creativity is one of the most important nutrition for your minds. Most people think that there are creative minds which are special and they can only create things. But, it is not so. You have to find your piece of activity which makes you release your creative juices. Just like dopamine and adrenaline get released by body when it gets stimulated by certain kind of triggers, our mind also gets activated when it gets activated by certain kind of creative activity specific to individuals. For someone, it could be creating music, art or literary pieces, for someone it could be creating new dishes or new groups to work with. It is just a matter of when you would identify this. All the best with your favorite creative activity.


Meditation is one of the most proven and ancient techniques to keep your mind rock solid and strong. How can meditation help? Well, if you have heard the ancient sadhus or hermits or sages doing impossible feats such as going to another planet , being at another place in just a snap of fingers, attaining samadhis and pleasing gods, and other super-human feats. This could not entirely be a myth, there is a fraction of reality in here. For example, few days back I saw a Tibetan lama levitating above the ground for more than one minute. How do you think that could be possible without harnessing the energy through meditation? So, this could be an indication that you can perform meditation to at least keep your mind ready for tough things, if not for levitation.

Relaxation and Letting it go

We often forget this vary fact that we are body made of flesh, blood and bones and we are not a system of pulley or an array of motors who should work day and night to produce thoughts and ideas. We are soulful beings well connected with the idea of being oneself. So, this is very important to give yourself a break and use this time for relaxation and connecting yourself with your needs and you could be able to produce wonders, if you could be relaxed and at peace. You can also call it something like self-compassion, where you are understanding the fact that you are a human being and you need time for yourself. You could be able to heal, and then would be able to elevate others, if you have enough compassion for yourself.

Connecting with the world

By connecting with the world, I do not mean that you should go out everyday and talk to the people. Well you could definitely go if you should feel so. But, sometimes it is more important to observe people and their ideas & activities. There is a lot of power in silence, and you could only feel that when you become an observer rather than a constant speaker. The best of ideas could only strike our minds when you are silent and in connection with yourself. This could provide you enough fuel for your mind to come up with new ideas.

Working on an activity which you would love to work on

We all have certain plans and certain fantasies which come into action when we feel elated and we would like to go for those. But, sometimes it happens that we can not go for each one of them due to our busy schedule or priorities. But, here is a good news, that at least you can try to come up with the solutions for your plans. You should make a catalog of your future plans, and slowly start gathering ideas on the same. Every small effort you would make today, it would help you relieve from regrets in the future. Most of the times disappointments and regrets push us back, and you think that I wish I could have done that. So, do not fall prey to this and start working on your future plans.

Last Words

As you know that a healthy mind is the key for a healthy life, you should focus on how to generate mindfulness and work yourself on how to cultivate balance in your life. This would lead you to a new level of success.



Sidharth Kumar

Here for a change. a sweet exchange! Here for fun, lots to learn! Knowledge is a jewel, a must return! The more you yearn , the more you learn!